
Aleksandra Muzika: Making time for yourself

Friday, December 13, 2013

Making time for yourself

We all need a "break" a moment of pause to reconnect them with us .
Lost among the duties and responsibilities you can avoid spending time with yourself, but you should never leave behind your own independence and individuality.
If there are times that you just want to exploit , time to do something about it . We all have too many responsibilities and balance them properly can become very complicated.
But moments alone are very important and can help you recover lost energy after a tiring week.
Make an appointment with you : Organize your day , week or month using a calendar or your phone . Once you're done, a couple of hours away just for you and write it down. The important thing is that you see this quote with the same importance that a business meeting or an appointment with your doctor. Do not cancel it !
Go slow : The secret is patience . You have to start small so that you get used to this new hobby. If at first it's hard work to find an hour to be alone , at least 15 minutes away to distract and breathe. With a little time , you will become much easier aside more time for yourself .
Log out : The principal to get away from the outside world problem is that we have an infinite amount of distractions. Turn off your phone , tablet , computer, television and other distractions . If you want to take this time to yourself , you have to get rid of distractions. It'll cost you a job, but worth it.
Take a walk : When was the last time you went for a walk just for the pleasure ? You can see it as a way to do light exercise and as a way to get in touch with your thoughts. You do not have to think about anything specifically , the simple act of walking alone will help you to breathe and forget the stress .

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